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MIKLØ Bodycare: Eco-conscious beauty products made in Belgium

Foto van schrijver: MartinaMartina

100% plant based eco-friendly deodorants and lip balms adapted for sensitive skin that work.

  • Made in Belgium

  • 100% natural and vegan friendly

  • Ø plastic packaging

  • Ø harmull chemicals

  • Ø artificial fragrances

We do our best to bring together sustainability and ethical sourcing. Our deodorants contain sunflower oil which adds vitamin E and has anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, it helps to combat irritation, redness of skin and the capacity to retain it’s moisture. Grape-seed oil protects against free radicals, is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. We use as much as possible locally sourced cold-pressed oils to reduce impact of transportation of our ingredients.

How does it work?

The deodorants contains magnesium that combats bad odours and is more adapted to sensitive skin that alcohol or baking soda which have shown to cause irritation on many people. The deodorant sticks are aluminium free, vegan and cruelty-free. We create fresh scents with a blend of essential oils and to add that extra kick of freshness to the deodorants without artificial fragrances.

Going as local as possible

Some ingredients such as essential oils cannot be sourced in Belgium or Europe but the goal is going as local as possible to reduce the impact from transportation as much as we can with the continuous aim for improvement. Additional reason to source more locally is to have better control over the working conditions. Although we know the system is not perfect we believe European labour rights are already a good start.

Plastic free deodorants and lip balms

In 2018, Belgium was the 5th biggest exporter of plastic waste in the world, sending around 35 tons of plastic each month abroad, mostly to China. However, the same year China decided to stop the import and thus we redirected these containers to countries such as Malaysia, India or Turkey. We estimate that today each person in Belgium uses on average 15 kilograms of plastic per year. In 2016, 11% of plastic waste entered in aquatic ecosystems. This is why we decided to use for our natural deodorants and lip balms recyclable and biodegradable paper tubes that are easy to use and completely plastic free while committing to always look for more sustainable alternatives.




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